Fashion Revolution Week & COVID-19
Truly, like never before, this is a revolution for the fashion industry with many factories closed around the world, and many others quickly converting production lines to make masks and protective clothing.
This Fashion Revolution Week we support our suppliers in Tanzania and Bangladesh, who have closed to keep their people safe.
- We will not cancel orders that are produced or in the pipeline.
- We will not ask for discounts.
We do not believe that the most vulnerable people in the textile supply chain should bear the brunt of the fallout in global trade and take all the risk. While lockdown is hard for all of us, we think of those who made our clothes and we salute them for staying at home.
It has been said that this crisis brings out what people are really like. And it’s shocking to see some brands use this crisis to squeeze suppliers to either take a large discount or face cancellation of shipments. Some of these brands have taken great lengths to be seen as ethical over the years.
We believe that we are all in this together, the burden of any downturn and risk of the crisis should be shared across the supply chain and not just imposed on the most powerless. We are working with a new organisation trying to quickly get PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) to frontline workers, and are coordinating donations of suitable fabrics and trims.
Our London office may be closed, but a team remains in place working from home and our warehouse remains open, with careful social distancing practices and separated shifts so that we can still deliver to our customers. Luckily we have plenty of stock to keep us going even if our production units are closed. We are here for each other, and we will support our customers, suppliers and other stakeholders through this.
Wherever we are in the world, we are facing challenges from this crisis and they remind us of how very interconnected we are. We will get through this together, grow together and just maybe do so with a better understanding of each other and the planet we share.
And so this Fashion Revolution Week we are proud to say “We are staying at home”.
Fashion Revolution Week happens every year surrounding the 24th of April – the anniversary of the 2013 Rana Plaza factory collapse, which killed 1138 people and injured many more. The #whomademyclothes campaign encourages customers to ask brands how their clothing is being made. Brands like us can respond with #imadeyourclothes to demonstrate transparency in our supply chain, which we’ll do through the course of this week. Check for more info on how to get involved.