Mantis World sign UN Fashion Industry Charter

On 10 December 2018 during the UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland (COP24) UN Climate Change has launched the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action in order to address the global fashion sector’s impact on climate change.
We are among the founding signatories to commit to implementing the charter’s principles and targets.
By signing on to the Fashion Industry Charter the organisations confirmed their commitment to address climate change and collaborate within and beyond the fashion sector towards a cleaner, low-carbon future. The initial target set by the signatories is to reduce our aggregate greenhouse gas emissions by 30% by 2030 and phase out coal-fired boilers and other sources of coal-fired heat and power generation in our own companies and direct suppliers from 2025. The principles and actions outlined in the Fashion Industry Charter for Climate Action will be pursued and developed collectively through working groups which will be convened by the UN Climate Change in early 2019.